General in Babylon Battery Studios

What you thinkin

Didn’t realize joltober was gonna be everyday unlike last year. Finna try to do the prompts and the random ones i promised to do everyday. 😎👍

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finna make a 64x64 art every day of october. time to make this shit extra spooky

So, because of the unity situation all of our projects (birdfeeder, slime ninja, and daily grind) have been delayed and will stay delayed until unity backtracks and apologizes or we get enough money for the fee to be sustainable

if you have any questions about my plan for this game then ask them here

I have decided to cancel historically accurate for multiple reasons and replace it with a point and click mystery game called the victorian murders about jack the ripper. I’ll have new info in just a little bit

I'm creating an analog horror/retro horror series on youtube called summerrealm studios. check it out here. first episode will be up prolly tomorrow

12:00 tomorrow’s night i will be listening to this religiously. I love jpegmafia and danny brown so this collab will be the most fire album ever made

bro what the hell kinda pixilart should I make

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an open letter to @gamejolt Read the article (don't go after anyone in this post ok. be nice)

Some updates. Please give some ideas cause im blanking and ill post in a few days. Also pokemon art with become weekly because i have stuff to do